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This is a map of Mporokoso, You can Show street map of Mporokoso, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Mporokoso (also spelled and pronounced 'Mpolokoso' and 'Mumpolokoso') is a town in the Northern Province of Zambia, lying at an elevation of nearly 1500 m on the flat plateau about 75 km south east of Lake Mweru Wantipa and 100 km south-west of Lake Tanganyika. It is named for Chief Mporokoso (also spelled 'Mumpolokoso') a senior chief of the Bemba people whose palace is located in the town. Mporokoso District is also one of the 12 administrative districts of the Northern Province.

Extreme weather in China

Extreme weather in China

China Earthquake Information

China Earthquake Information

Volcano eruption

Volcano eruption

Environmental Radiation in China

Environmental Radiation in China

Overseas Warning

Overseas Warning

China's air quality

China's air quality

China's Water Disaster Alert

China's Water Disaster Alert

China Weather Forecast

China Weather Forecast

Introduction to Countries

Introduction to Countries

China Subway Lines

China Subway Lines

China's 5A Scenic Spots

China's 5A Scenic Spots

Provincial Capitals in China

Provincial Capitals in China









New York,USA

New York

New York,USA