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The Korean flag (태극기) is called "Taegeukgi" in Korean. Its design symbolizes the principles of the yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. The circle in the center of the Korean flag is divided into two equal parts. The upper red section represents the proactive cosmic forces of the yang. Conversely, the lower blue section represents the responsive cosmic forces of the yin. The two forces together embody the concepts of continual movement, balance and harmony that characterize the sphere of infinity. The circle is surrounded by four trigrams, one in each corner.


Extreme weather in China

Extreme weather in China

China Earthquake Information

China Earthquake Information

Volcano eruption

Volcano eruption

Environmental Radiation in China

Environmental Radiation in China

Overseas Warning

Overseas Warning

China's air quality

China's air quality

China's Water Disaster Alert

China's Water Disaster Alert

China Weather Forecast

China Weather Forecast

Introduction to Countries

Introduction to Countries

China Subway Lines

China Subway Lines

China's 5A Scenic Spots

China's 5A Scenic Spots

Provincial Capitals in China

Provincial Capitals in China









New York,USA

New York

New York,USA