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This is a map of Goleniów, You can Show street map of Goleniów, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Goleniów [ɡɔˈlɛɲuf] (Kashubian: Gòłonóg; German: Gollnow) is a town in Pomerania, northwestern Poland with 22,399 inhabitants (2004). It is the capital of Goleniów County in West Pomeranian Voivodeship (since 1999); previously it was in Szczecin Voivodeship (1975–1998). Town area is 12.5 km², geographical situation 53°33'N and 14°49'E. It is situated in the centre of Goleniowska Forest on Goleniów Plain, near main roads numbers 3 and 6. Nearby town-part: Helenów

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