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Leaflet Tiles © Esri
This is a map of Asti, You can Show street map of Asti, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Asti is a city and comune of about 75,000 inhabitants located in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, about 55 kilometres east of Turin in the plain of the Tanaro River. It is the capital of the province of Asti and it is deemed to be the modern capital of Monferrato (Montferrat in English).

Extreme weather in China

Extreme weather in China

China Earthquake Information

China Earthquake Information

Volcano eruption

Volcano eruption

Environmental Radiation in China

Environmental Radiation in China

Overseas Warning

Overseas Warning

China's air quality

China's air quality

China's Water Disaster Alert

China's Water Disaster Alert

China Weather Forecast

China Weather Forecast

Introduction to Countries

Introduction to Countries

China Subway Lines

China Subway Lines

China's 5A Scenic Spots

China's 5A Scenic Spots

Provincial Capitals in China

Provincial Capitals in China









New York,USA

New York

New York,USA