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This is a map of Tunceli Province, You can Show street map of Tunceli Province, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
The Tunceli Province (Kurdish: Parêzgeha Dêrsimê, Turkish: Tunceli ili ) is a province in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The province was named Dersim Province (Dersim vilayeti , Dersîm means 'silver door' in Kurdish) and was changed to Tunceli Province on January 4, 1936. with the "Law on Administration of the Tunceli Province" (Tunceli Vilayetinin İdaresi Hakkında Kanun), no. 2884 of 25 December 1935. But some still call the region by this name. The capital city is Tunceli. The name of the provincial capital, Kalan, was then officially changed to match with the province's name.

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