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This is a map of Tlalnepantla de Baz, You can Show street map of Tlalnepantla de Baz, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Tlalnepantla de Baz (better known as Tlanepantla) is a city and a municipality of the State of Mexico in the north of Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico). Tlalnepantla comes from the Náhuatl words tlalli (land) and nepantla (middle) to mean the middle land. The city was known in prior times as Tlalnepantla de Galeana and Tlalnepantla de Comonfort, to honor Hermenegildo Galeana and Ignacio Comonfort, respectively. The current addition of Baz comes from the last name of Gustavo Baz Prada, an important politician and soldier of Emiliano Zapata's army during the Mexican Revolution. After the Revolution, Baz Prada became Governor of the State of Mexico and President of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It is located in the northeastern part of the State of Mexico, in the Valley of Mexico north of Mexico City proper.

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